Der Berg Phu Chi Fah an der Grenze zwischen Thailand und Laos

Phu Chi Fah Forest Park – A Stunning Mountain in Chiang Rai

Phu Chi Fah (also written as Phu Chi Fa or Phu Chifa) is a very photogenic mountain peak in Chiang Rai Province, known for its breathtaking view of the sea of mist. In winter, tourists from all over Thailand flock there to witness the sunrise above the clouds. For this, they wake up very early in the morning and make their way to the Phu Chi Fah Viewpoint.

The peak is about 1,628 meters high and offers a spectacular view of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Hiking trails up to the summit allow visitors to experience the landscape up close. The view of the sea of mist and the rock above is simply incredible and creates extraordinary memories – in the mind or in the camera.

Photos of the mountain are therefore frequently posted on Instagram. It is truly a hotspot. Even without the mist, the view over the Mekong to Laos is beautiful. The peak is located right on the national border.

Auf dem Gipfel des Phu Chi Fahs kurz vor Sonnenaufgang
in front of the yellow line is Thailand, behind it Laos (Photo source: ThaiPBS)

Accommodation is available in one of the many resorts or campsites. They also arrange the early morning 15-minute drive to the parking lot below the summit, from where you have to start walking. The cost is 40 Baht per person on the back of the pick-up truck. It takes 15 to 30 minutes to walk to the summit, depending on your fitness level.

When visiting Phu Chi Fah, you should definitely bring warm clothing as it can get very cold at the summit by Thai standards. We were lucky last time because it was calm and windless.

How to get there?

There is a white minivan from the bus station in Chiang Rai. Departure times vary depending on the season. Check early for information.

Alternatively, you can drive yourself (you can find a car rental portal for Thailand on my comparison site) or have someone drive you (renting a taxi is cheaper than you might think). Renting a car with a driver costs about 3000 Baht.

When to go?

The best time to visit for the sea of mist is from December to February, when it is cold on the mountain. Some resorts are also open during the rainy season. During this time, the air is very clear, and the view combined with cloud formations is spectacular.

Phu Chi Fah Forest Park closed due to risk of forest fires.

On March 23, 2023, the temporary closure of tourist attractions and accommodations was ordered. In fact, this was a sensible measure during this time of extreme dryness, as on March 30, the ThaiPBS television channel reported:

Today, the relevant authorities inspected the damage caused by forest fires and smoke at the Thai-Lao border in Phu Chi Fah National Park in Chiang Rai Province. The outbreak of a forest fire at the summit of the mountain, a popular tourist destination in the province, necessitated the investigation. Although the fire was successfully extinguished, the forest at the summit of the mountain was damaged over a large area.

At the summit, there is mainly tall grass, but the fire crossed this firebreak and penetrated more than 2 meters into the valuable forest, destroying more than 5 rai of forest. It is still unclear whether many trees, such as pines, will die or not.

Nature recovers quickly from such forest fires. When we were there 10 months later, there was no sign of the fires anymore.

I wish all the residents here in northern Thailand a quick recovery from the extreme smog caused by these fires. This smog is traditionally caused by forest fires as well as slash-and-burn agriculture and the burning of agricultural waste at this time of year. In March and April 2023, previous records were surpassed. In Mae Sai, PM 2.5 levels exceeded 500 µg/m3. As a reminder, the European limit is 25 µg/m3 on an annual average.

Cycling up the Phu Chi Fah

Yes, you can do that, but it is only suitable for extremely fit cyclists. The approach is steep, very steep. I did it a few years ago. Described in Cycling Tours in Northern Thailand: From Chiang Khong to Phu Chi Fah.

Insider tip

At the summit, it can get very crowded at sunrise with a combination of very good weather and a weekend. A friend therefore prefers a northern neighboring peak. Located 11 km away in a straight line is Doi Pha Tang, with an equally beautiful view but much less hustle and bustle.

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Hallo, ich bin Stefan

Seit 2014 lebe ich hauptsächlich in Chiang Rai, der nördlichsten Provinz Thailands.

Hier auf STEFANinTHAILAND berichte ich über Leben, Reisen und Radfahren in Thailand. Neugier und Lust auf Aktivitäten sind meine größte Motivation, um Land und Leute zu erkunden. Vor allem für Chiang Rai werde als Experten bezeichnet.

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